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What is it called in English....


The real me
Contributing Artist
Hi everybody!

Admin, if this is not ok to post here you may delete it. :)

Have been hard at work on my game projects. Looking over the language files I need some help with English sentences. The game is about jumping with horses.
How do you properly say: "Congratulations, you jumped all jumps without faults" ? It doesn't sound right this way.
And this one with info on which level the horse can "clear": "Can clear level 1-5"
Any advice much appreciated.

I am using the millhorse with (mostly) Lauries beautiful textures and my own animations. The game will be free once released for Android phones and tablets. Will post here when it's done. Oh and when it's in last testing stage if anyone is interested to participate you can send me a PM. :)
When this is done and if I'm still alive and kicking I will start next one and use Harry. :)


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Contributing Artist
You could say "Congratulations, you jumped a clear round" or "Congratulations, you cleared all jumps without faults".