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Poser Lights


Dances with Bees
How do you delete the whole set of lights.... in Poser 13

when I add a set it all accumulates and I can't find the delete all lights in one go button.. o_O :inverted:


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
having issues with Screen capture. Let me try explain in text and if it's confusing I will take some time to grab and edit screencaps.

Deleting All Lights -
Speaking for Poser versions up through Poser Pro 2014 (I have not used P11 enough to speak authoritively but suspect it is the same) there is no in-built way to delete all lights. In all versions of Poser I have used extensively, you must do this manually unless you have some third party scripts or tools. In Poser 9/2012 there were a few sets of tools including some by Netherworks for dealing with lights and deleting them. Otherwise, you must select each light manually (I use the Hierarchy Window with the show lights tickbox selected) and either delete from the Object menu, with the delete key, or with the little trash can icon over by the Light Ball display. It is a real pain without a script.


Adding Lights -
When adding Light sets from the Library (at least for Poser Versions up to Poser 10/2014 GD) click on the light set Once in the file pane, then look down at the colection of buttons between the file browser and the options (Plus Sign, Minus Sign, Folder, etc...). You should see a single check-mark icon and a double check-mark icon. If you hover over either of them, one says Apply Library Preset (Single Check), the other says Add Preset to Current Scene (Double Check). The Apply Library Preset option will load those lights and override and replace the lights in the scene. The second option will result in adding the preset lights to any lights already in the scene (which can have it's uses...with some of my light builds I do this a lot). I suspect that double clicking the preset also simply adds them to the lights in the scene.

I hope this is helpful and not too confusing.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Poser Pro 9/2012, 10/2014, and 11 have a script in the Scripts Menu->Utilities called Delete all Lights. I believe this shipped with Poser and may be in all versions. I have added no scripts to my P11 install yet, so I am confident this is a default included script in all versions of Poser at least since 7 (been a long time since I have gone into six or earlier). So I would look there.


Can confirm Scripts, Utility, Delete All Lights is there in P2014, P11, P12 and P13 (those are the ones currently on my computer).
For future, look for the single checkmark on the bottom of the Library menu--that replaces the lights on the scene with the ones you are adding. The double checkmark adds them. So make sure you use the single checkmark, as described above.


Dances with Bees
thanks... found the script and great info on the tick :happydance:

spent a while working out how to get a shadow catcher working.... but now getting a Dson dll load error everytime I start up P13

must be a leftover from my P2012 install... :cautious:


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Unless there is a work around for the DSON DLL I don't think that worked with Poser 12 or currently in Poser 13 sadly.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@Stezza I believe the Dson load error has something to do with python version and Dson importer. I do not work with DSON at all, but perhaps This thread may help?


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@Stezza I am not very knowledgeable of Dson as I mentioned, I do not use it, but I will try to help - I remember seeing something about this exact issue you are describing when Poser 12 first cam out. The consensus then was it was directly related to problems with the Dson python relying on Python 2 and in Poser 12+ they moved to Python 3.

I am not an expert in Python, but I do believe Poser maintains a Python Scrypt startup for supporting DLL files that is called when you start Poser. Likely this is where the problem lies. Likely this will need to be edited to remove references to Dson.

I am going to reach out to much more knowledgeable sources to confirm and find out what needs to be done to correct this. In the meantime, the following was taken from an old Daz3D thread-
Drew Zanti said:
The uninstaller is called Remove-DSONImporterforPoser.exe and is usually in the Poser directory in the folder \uninstall

DSON installs to the following folders on Windows
\Runtime\Geometries\Daz 3d\DSON
\Runtime\poserScripts\ScriptsMenu\DSON Support
\Users\*yourname*\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\dson
\Users\*yourname*\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\DsonPoser


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
This thread I think is exactly the issue you need fixed?

The Important part:
Structure said:
Open and edit the file, ( poser > runtime > python > poserscripts > poserStartup.py ) - find and remove all mentions of DSON from it.

I would recommend finding the poserStartup.py and Right Clicking and selecting Open With and opening it with NotePad++ to edit it as a text file. If you do not have notepad++ you can use humdrum old Notepad (but Notepad++ is really worth a look). Make a backup copy before ediitng - especially if you do not do a lot of Python, CR2, PZ2, JS, or BAT file editing, bettern safe that sorry).

I hope this solves the issues.

I will try to address Shadow Catching a little later when I have some time to load up Poser 11 and check a few things (P11+ no longer uses the old ground plane so it might work different from what I am used to).


Dances with Bees
thanks for the info and looking... unfortunately it didn't work.. searched upper and lower case :(




Dances with Bees
ok.. found it

I only looked in my Poser 13 Runtime directory ... I didn't think it would still look in the old PoserPro 2012 Runtime directory..
but there it was... :happydance::)

all fixed now


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I am glad you found it. I was going to next suggest checking any linked runtimes.
I am gathering all this into notes and considering revisiting an old project I had to collect common and odd Poser issues with solutions. I had started the project back in Poser 7, never got it finished to my satisfaction, and have not updated since the release of Poser 11. I am thinking it is time to look into updating and polishing it up to release at least some version of it. That is, if I can find the files for it.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
Shadow Catching-
Based off the Material Room in Poser 11, the latest I have installed (though this should work for Poser 12 and 13 as well).
  1. First thing I would do in P11+ is set the Construct to Invisible (I hate the construct and it wont seem to let me delete it manually). I do this by using the Tick Boxes on the object properties tab to turn off Visible, Visible in Camera, Visible in Raytracing, Cast Shadow, etc... Basically disable them all.
  2. Load whatever figures you want to use and catch shadows for. Load whatever props you want to catch shadows on (if just a simple ground plane I suggest going into the Props>Primitives folder and selecting Square Groundplane, Round Groundplane, or just Simple Square - though you can use any gound figure or prop).
  3. With the Object you want to Shadow Catch selected, go to the Materials room. On the Root Poser Surface node down below Gradiant Bump Map is a tick box for Shadow Catch Only. Make sure this is selected for all materials on the shadow catching object you wante to only catch shadows. Then the object should render invisible except where shadows from your figures fall.
Hope this helps.