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Partial Sweete Reyn files inside HW Dawn.zip from P11 content. Is this an error?


I break polygons.
Was poking around the P11 content I downloaded, when I noticed that the "HW Dawn.zip" seems to include some files from Satira's Sweete Reyn. It has the obj files in \geometries and the *.pmd morphs in \morphs, but no sign of cr2, pp2, or textures.


  • explorer_LI5GnOXHJ2.jpg
    141.5 KB · Views: 201
  • explorer_qUYRzlNwDK.jpg
    147.1 KB · Views: 206

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Oh, I don't think that's right. Sweete Reyn is a separate product.

I didn't bother looking at any of those downloads, since I already have them installed from purchasing them here. I'm going to check now to see if I see that as well.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK, yes, I'm seeing a bunch of things related to Satira's Sweete Reyn. I'm wondering if Lisa asked her if she would like to contribute something, and that's what she suggested. Hmmmm, interesting.

Edited to Add: I just sent Lisa a note to see if she had asked CAs to contribute items.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
These files were mistakenly included in the Poser 11 release and have been removed from the Poser 12 release.