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IK chain problem


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
So I created IK chains for Harry then pose him then turned off the chains loaded a fresh Harry and this happens. Any ideas?
ik chains.png

English Bob

I just ran into a similar problem with the House Cat. I added IK chains to all four legs, used IK while posing (because posing a cat is hard enough already!) then turned IK off again before I saved the pose to the library. But when I applied that pose to a cat in another scene - it didn't have IK chains added - the feet distorted in the same way.

I used a Python script to unhide the translate dials on each foot, and found that the translation values I'd used during posing had been applied to the feet. Once I reset them all to zero, I got back the pose I'd saved.

That's one way to work around the problem, anyway, although it doesn't explain why it happens in the first place.

English Bob

UnHide Dials by Dimension3D - it's still available via Rendo Freestuff. It may not work in Poser 12, though.

I'll probably build a pose file which will zero the foot translations, which will be a lot easier to apply. I could make one for the horse too, if it would be helpful?

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
If I'm not mistaken, it's been a part of Poser itself at least since Poser 9 (though I don't have that version installed on this laptop to check). Check out the screenshots below. You can find the small right facing arrow head in the upper right corner of the Parameters Panel, and if you click on it, you'll get a popup screen that has the option to "Show hidden parameters", and if it's checked (as mine is at the moment) then the hidden dials will be in view. If it isn't checked, then checking it will bring the hidden dials into view.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I know, I used to use Ralf's script, so now I'm thinking this may have showed up in PP10/PP2014, which I didn't have, but do have in P11.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
Thank you both! Using IK chains will make my work a lot easier.

English Bob

I made two pose files: one for animals which have front and rear feet (such as the Big Dog and House Cat), and one for animals which have fore and hind hooves such as the Horse. Those are the HiveWire animals which I have - I'm not sure what the other animals' feet might be named, but any figure which has its feet named in one of those two ways should be compatible.

The poses assume you've set up your IK chains with goals of lFrontFoot, rFrontFoot, lRearFoot, or rRearFoot (in the case of the cat or dog etc.); or with goals of lForeHoof, rForeHoof, lHindHoof, or rHindHoof (in the case of the horse). You can use the poses in two ways.
  1. If you've applied a pose made with IK, and your figure has deformed,
    apply the appropriate one of these poses which should hopefully fix
    the problem.
  2. If you're building poses using IK for distribution to others, first
    turn off all IK, then apply the appropriate one of these poses before
    saving your pose to the library. That should make it 'clean' and safe
    for distribution.
Download from this post, or my Google Drive.

Let me know of any problems. If you don't understand what these are for, or why you would need them, then at the risk of sounding supercilious, you probably don't need them. :D


  • ZeroFeet.zip
    17.4 KB · Views: 402