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Help with Dforce


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I hope there's still someone around who can help me with this, as I really don't want to go over to the DAZ forums to ask this.

Is there a way to get a parented prop clothing item to follow the figure morphs when using Dforce, or do I need to make the clothing item conforming?

And if that latter is the case, anyone know where I can find skirt templates for Dawn and maybe V4? Full skirts, not just short tight skirts.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


HW3D Exclusive Artist
I don't know anything about dForce and I hear ya on the Daz forums deal:) BUT I feel like I have seen loads of YouTube videos on dForce- (I've been looking at strand based hair videos there and I see a lot also on how to dForce the hair etc) Have you tried searching there?


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
Yes, and it follows poses beautifully, but it won't follow the body morph/character morphs.


Contributing Artist
Well, yes, it would have to be conforming to auto-follow morphs. Unless you manually scale and re-simulate after morphing.


Contributing Artist
I'm assuming it is a dress? if so, easiest would be to have the top conforming and skirt dynamic. I've also seen where it is split into material zone and the top would be more stiff than the bottom. (But I'm an end user not creator so I don't know specifics)


Contributing Artist
That looks lovely. What do you mean its not following body morphs? I can't see poke through


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I went and used the Transfer Utility to make it conforming so that it would follow Dawn's morphs.