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Geographs questions


I was wondering about Geographs? What figures can accept geographs? Is there a Poser equivalent to geographs? if any figure, does the figure have to be weightmapped first?


Contributing Artist
As far as I know, any of the DAZ Genesis figures can use geografting. It's more of a DAZ Studio 4 feature than something that figures support or not, though. I am not sure if the figures have be to weight mapped. All you need is matching geometry at vertex level where the parts joint with the base figure. I think it's safe to assume you can geograft any of the Genesis figures, or even the DS version of Hivewire figures.

Poser doesn't support geografting.


Contributing Artist
So, do figures need to be weight mapped to be geografted in DS? Now I wonder. :)
I made this tool to simulate Geografting in Poser.
It requires some design skill, based on the same general principles defined in the documentation link posted above, by Rowan54.
There is documentation provided with this tool.
It can be installed by unzipping it to your Poser directory like most other content...


  • SM_HybridFigureFactoryKit.zip
    14 KB · Views: 338


Contributing Artist
Just like that ^

If the overlapping vertexes match exactly, and we copy the joints and weight maps, it should deform identically as the base figure (in theory). The thing is that we would also have to hide the overlapping faces to avoid rendering artifacts. Maybe a transparency map would do?