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Anyone ever tried remapping harrys coat in blender?


I am trying to remap harry to be able to take millhorse 1 textures. I have hexagon and I also downloaded blender 2.8 but cannot figure out how to alter the uv mapping. Anyone here had more success or ist it notpossible with these programs to achieve satisying results?

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hi Hemi . . . I'm still using 2.79, so am not familiar with the Blender 2.8 UI. If no one here comes to your aid, I would suggest you post in the Blender forum over at Renderosity, as the moderator, and several of the regular posters there, have already upgraded to 2.8, and may very well be able to help you.


Contributing Artist
Sorry I can't help but I'd love to be able to use other horses coats on Harry (for the sake of variety of course, I don't think anyone could top CWRW's wonderful work lol). I'd also love it to go the other way round and use Harry's coats on Mil and DH2. I know there was someone who did DH2 textures to Harry but its not around anymore (I've only heard mention of it, not seen it) but I don't know what program they used..


Thank you for the advice. I think I'll post my question over at Renderosity. Ladyfyre posted an article on her page showing some examples, so it has to be possible. Main motivation for me is to be able to use the zebra texture. Until then I'll use the three textures I have!


  • Centauress Archer.jpg
    Centauress Archer.jpg
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Contributing Artist
is one of Harry's textures you have the Arabian? If so its not too hard to overlay the zebra over the top and merging them (just keeping the black away from the seems) that's what I did with this one (besides making the black golden of course lol)


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    289 KB · Views: 296