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The Black Stallion

The Black Stallion

HW Arabian, HW Horse
I re-watched the movie "The Black Stallion" over this past weekend and had forgotten what a visually stunning movie it was. It inspired me to to this piece on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Yes, that movie is just visually stunning, and how I loved the Walter Farley books as a kid. I think your work often captures that wild and regal beauty that the movie and books celebrated
When I was in the 4th grade I checked The Black Stallion book out of the school library so many times, the librarian pulled me aside to inform me that it was a book written for boys and to recommend that I check other books out. I did choose other books but since we could check out more than one book I also chose to re-read about The Black again and again and again. LOL
Glad random media brought this up... great memory- both of the movie and the book!!!!

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CWRW HW Horse Artwork
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1447px x 900px

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